Smart manufacturing involving smart devices and easy connection system without hassle. SMC IO-Link will introduce on IO-Link relation to Industry 4.0, features of the technology and SMC approach to IO-Link technology.
For SMC IO-Link, it involves an understanding towards Industrial Pneumatics and PLC Programming to bring out the best in IO-Link features.
Technical personnel such as engineers, system designers and machine makers will benefit much by learning and embracing IO-Link into their work scope.
• To understand IO-Link system for Automation and related components in it.
• Identify and usage of IO-Link Master and IO-Link Components.
• Perform basic setting for IO-Link system.
• Basic Pneumatics Knowledge.
• Basic Sysmac PLC Programming.
• Overview of IO-Link.
• Basic IO-Link Standards.
• PLC & IO-Link Master.
• IO-Link Input-Sensors.
• IO-Link Pneumatic Devices- Regulator, Pressure Switch, Control Valve, Position Sensors.
• Practical Activities-Programming.
COURSE MATERIAL: Training text, Complete Folder with writing materials.
HRDF APPROVED (SBL Scheme) (100% Claimable)
DURATION: 1 Day (9.00am to 5.00pm)
Date: 18/09/2019 (Shah Alam)
COURSE FEE: RM600 per pax
Certificate will be awarded upon successful completion
To register for the course, please contact SMC Training department at 03-56350590 or
Please click here to download the leaflet.